Current projects

Activation of youth to circular and zero-waste economy and promotion of European circular youth networks

2021 - 2022

A circular economy is a sustainable economic model in which the usefulness of products and materials is sought to be maintained for as long as possible. This means that, unlike a linear economy, where the flow of raw materials is unidirectional, the materials that would become waste at the end of the process are sorted and, if possible, reused in other process (EC, 2020). According to projections of current trends, our energy consumption (biomass, fossil fuels, etc.) is expected to double in 2040, with the result that waste can increase by as much as 70% by 2050. To prevent the black scenario, the European Commission has drafted a Green Deal. The European Green Deal is a strategic priority first outlined in the political guidelines of Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen. On 11 December 2019, the Commission presented a communication on the European Green Deal that sets out a detailed vision to make Europe the first climate- neutral continent by 2050, safeguard biodiversity, establish a circular economy and eliminate pollution, while boosting the competitiveness of European industry and ensuring a just transition for the regions and workers affected. The project aims at promoting and raising the awareness of youth and youth support organizations across EU countries about circular economy fundamentals and zero-waste economy thinking building the circular economy youth networks in project countries. At the current stage circular economy is just becoming a "buzz" word in Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy and young people are keen to follow zero-waste philosophy in sorting trash, changing purchasing habits and recycling, reusing and reducing waste. Zero-waste trend is having actually a good ground for building society thinking about circular economy as basis for environmental change.By activation of youth and youth support organizations internationally this project will help to open new thinking paradigm nationally and internationally that would be beneficial to local communities in partner countries. International dimension will help participating organizations and youth to learn international experience in circular economy.

Project approved
December 29, 2020

The project ACTIVATION OF YOUTH TO CIRCULAR AND ZERO-WASTE ECONOMY AND PROMOTION OF EUROPEAN CIRCULAR YOUTH NETWORKS is approved and will start activities in February 2021. Project partnership will create the circular economy networking activities between Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy. We hope that our experience will help youth, youth workers and society to start own zero waste and circular economy activities!.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Informal preparation meeting online on January 5, 2021
January 6, 2021

Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH international team Informal preparation meeting online on January 5, 2021 International project team from Portugal, Latvia, Slovenia and Italy met online today, January 5, 2021, to prepare for a project start from February 2021. We are glad to start work and keep fingers crossed!
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Zavod Popotnik

KoM March 5, 2021
March 7, 2021

Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH international team from Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy started a one year cooperation by online kick-off meeting on March 5, 2021. The project aim is to create youth work related zero-waste and circular economy network across partner countries, exchange good practice and develop online training materials for youth. Project will end in January, 2022. Now international team is working to collect the zero waste and circular economy related existing knowledge and map local network stakeholders in partner countries in order to create really useful training materials afterwards.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Online management meeting on May 28, 2021
May 29, 2021

Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH international team Management meeting online on May 28, 2021 International project team from Portugal, Latvia, Slovenia and Italy met online on May 28, 2021, to discuss project implementation. Regular meetings and communication is crucial to keep up team sprit and common aim.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Zavod Popotnik

TPM 2 in Slovenia
August 9, 2021

International team from Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy hold the second transnational project meeting in Slovenia on August 3-5, 2021. Team prepared agenda for blended youth mobility in Portugal in September 2021, discussed project progress and decided about next activities of project. The opportunity to meet onsite helped team to build team work and discuss actual situation in a national network creation. The main aim of project is exchange good practice in zero waste and circularity topic and create new avenues for collaboration.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Zavod Popotnik

Blended mobility of youth in Portugal
September 8, 2021

Blended mobility of youth in Portugal The 15 youth participants aged 18-25 participated at Blended mobility of youth in Portugal on September 2-6, 2021. Youth validated the training framework design, presented the national case studies and learn new experience about zero waste and circular economy practice. Each training day was organized as learning and site visits and reflection on learning outcomes. All participants did a homework – country presentation about Circular economy, Zero waste, including case studies of these initiatives and existing learning materials and programmes. Day 1 was dedicated to Circular economy and Team building; day 2 - Zero waste approach session & material validation – class and country presentation, practical site visits to companies; day 3 - Best practice exchange & networking; day 4 - Networking & Intercultural learning; day 5 - Future circular economy & zero waste initiatives.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Zavod Popotnik

TPM3 in Italy
December 15, 2021

International team from Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy hold the final transnational project meeting in Italy on December 13-15, 2021. Participants from Slovenia, Latvia, Italy and Portugal met to discuss project progress, revise created intellectual outcomes and finalize the activities in this 12 months’ project. We are glad that we had a chance to organize onsite events during pandemic time for youth and management. Partnership believes that circularity is the actual topic to continue new project ideas in youth sector.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.

Zavod Popotnik

Project results available
March 25, 2022

The project ACTIVATION OF YOUTH TO CIRCULAR AND ZERO-WASTE ECONOMY AND PROMOTION OF EUROPEAN CIRCULAR YOUTH NETWORKS results The 14 months project is implemented facing many pandemic challenges. We did two main results – 1) online materials about zero waste and circular economy reality in partner countries and 2) network creation. We had total 3 transnational project meetings, 3 online regular meetings, one blended mobility of 15 young people aged 18-25. This time proved that circularity is the future of Europe and also important topic for youth. We do hope that activities implemented will help to promote green and sustainable future.
Project ZERO WASTE ECONOMY 4 YOUTH, No 2020-3-LV02-KA205-003673, is funded by Erasmus Plus programme. This publication reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme and European Commission is not liable for how this information may be used.


2021 - 2022

The Water Skyball in Europe project targets the staff from different sport organizations (a national sport association, a local sport association, an NGO and a regional sport club) from 4 countries: Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia. The main objective of the project is to ‘support the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations’. To achieve these aims mainly two directions of activities are carried out: organising trainings for the staff and grassroot sport events by the staff for the public. The project focuses on Water Skyball (WSB) which is a new and innovative water sport from Hungary, appropriate to involve physically inactive people to do sport.The training and tryout events are organised for the participants about WSB where they may learn about the gameplay, the ethos, rules and referee activities, as well as transfering good practices about grassroot sport event organisation. The participants can learn about WSB in practice on the tryout events, where they can learn by playing the game and doing the refereeing. Part of the trainings is held as an online seminar over the course of a few months in the off-season which enables the participants to properly engage in the educational part of the project.Five grassroot sport events are organised along the transnational project meetings to promote health enhancing physical activities and motivate people for doing sports. The main sport activity on the events is WSB because it has a significant fun factor which easily motivates newcomer players. The events are organised by the staff, and target a wide audience, including physically inactive people. A significant number of people are expected to either visit or watch the events, including ca. 100 tryout players, 1000 spectators and 10,000 online viewers for each event, therefore we expect to reach ca. 50-60,000 people with the sport events.

Flag football – Sport for everybody

2021 - 2022

Flag football is a sport for people of all ages, gender, backgrounds and abilities and is an ideal sport for mixed gender teams. It is fast spreading global sport with international structures and regular international events like European and world championship. International Federation of American Football (IFAF) is an official government body of flag football worldwide, recognized by International Olympic Committee (IOC).In light of the above, flag football provides a right fit to be a tool to deliver the educational potential of sport, to fight against obesity and diseases and to promote and spread European values among young people through Erasmus Sport project. Flag football is the fastest-growing new sport and there is a possibilitThe project “Flag football – Sport for everybody” aims to promote youth participation in sport, enhance the accessibility and social inclusion of young people and equalize gender gap.The project is inspired by similar project organizing in USA named “Play 60”, which aim is to empower the next generation of young people to be more physically active and healthy. Over 73 000 schools and youth organizations were impacted by the project. The research by Cooper institute “Play 60” revealed annual improvements in aerobic capacity and body mass index for students participating in the project.The present project assumes involvement of three key sectors as a cooperation between Sport organizations, Schools and youth NGOs. The engagement of these realms are essential to release the full potential of the sport project in the community of young people with emphasize on European value in non-invasive way.The implementation of a “Flag football - Sport for Everybody” project consist of 2 partners from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Slovenia.

Zavod Popotnik